Information on electricity shortage
The possibility of an electricity shortage has increased with the energy crisis, and many people are now worried. On this page, we explain what an electricity shortage is and how the related power outages will be implemented.

What is an electricity shortage?
Electricity must be produced at the same rate as it is consumed at all times. An electricity shortage is a situation where the production and import of electricity are insufficient to cover consumption. In this event, the use of electricity must be temporarily restricted by carefully pre-planned rotating power outages.
Nationwide preparations for a possible electricity shortage have been made, and the associated procedures have been well planned and practiced. The national power balance and operational management are the responsibility of the Finnish transmission system operator Fingrid. Before rotating power outages are introduced, Fingrid has a number of measures it can take to resolve the situation. Power outages rotated area by area will be implemented only as a last resort.

Rotating power outages
In the event of an electricity shortage, at Fingrid's request, distribution system operators will implement restrictions on electricity usage in accordance with their contingency plans. The power cuts will be rotated as approximately two-hour outages until the electricity shortage is over. Blackouts in Helsinki within the area of Helen Electricity Network will last about one hour.
Outages caused by an electricity shortage affect the supply of both electricity and heating. The power outages will not affect functions critical to society, such as hospitals and emergency services. Housing is not critical to the functioning of society.

How will I know that there is an electricity shortage?
You will probably hear about the shortage through the media, as it will be widely reported and publicised. Distribution system operators will inform their customers in accordance with their contingency plans.
Rotating power outages caused by an electricity shortage in Helsinki within the area of Helen Electricity Network will be reported by text message. If the rotating power outages are announced sufficiently in advance, you will receive a text message before the outage. If not, a text message will arrive when the power cut has started.

How can I reduce the likelihood of an electricity shortage?
You can influence the likelihood of an electricity shortage by keeping an eye on your electricity usage and reducing your consumption. It is particularly important to reduce your electricity consumption during peak periods at 8–10 AM and 5–7 PM.

How to act during a power outage
- Keep the windows and doors closed. Your home will not cool down significantly during the power outage.
- Avoid using water.
- Keep the fridge and freezer doors closed. This way, your food will remain safe to use.
- Avoid using the lift.