Sustainability programme

Sustainability is integrated into all our operations and decision-making. The foundation of our sustainability work is our sustainability programme that we renewed in 2023. In the programme, we have articulated the themes and targets of our sustainability as well as defined the metrics for monitoring the achievement of these targets.

Helen's sustainability programme has been developed in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. We have considered our most significant impacts on the environment and people as well as the key risks and opportunities for financial value creation. The sustainability programme encompasses our six most essential sustainability themes.

Kestävä energiajärjestelmä

Sustainable energy system

We are leading the energy transformation as a trailblazer of the clean transition. Our target is to make our energy production carbon neutral by 2030 and to phase out combustion-based energy production by 2040.

Luonnon monimuotoisuus


We operate on the terms of biodiversity, aiming for long-term net positivity.

Houkutteleva työnantaja

Attractive employer

We promote occupational wellbeing and safety. We build an inclusive work community and guarantee our employees equal opportunities. We offer meaningful tasks and growth paths.

Vastuullinen toimitusketju

Sustainable supply chain

We ensure that our operating methods are sustainable for people and the environment. We are a reliable partner.

Asiakaslähtöiset tuotteet ja palvelut

Customer-driven products and services

We take care of the maintenance of energy infrastructure that is critical to society and ensure security of supply. We provide sustainably produced and responsibly priced energy. We increase the flexibility of the energy system in cooperation with our customers.



We comply with laws and regulations and train our personnel and partners regularly. We report on deviations and provide information about our operations transparently.

Sustainability as part of our operations

”Our sustainability programme includes targets for safeguarding biodiversity, strengthening the sustainable supply chain and maintaining compliance. In particular, safeguarding biodiversity has emerged alongside climate change mitigation as a significant factor determining the future of the planet.”

Olli Sirkka

Targets of the sustainability programme

At least one target has been derived from each theme of the sustainability programme, and a metric has been defined to monitor the achievement of the target.

Sustainable energy system
We will discontinue the use of coal in 2025 and seek to phase out combustion-based energy production in 2040 %
We will reduce our Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3* emissions by 95% by 2030 from a 1990 base year %
We will reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 77% per MWh of electricity and heat produced by 2030 from a 2019 base year %
We will reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 3* emissions by 77% per MWh of electricity and heat sold by 2030 from a 2019 base year %
We only use sustainability-certified biomass or biomass sourced from controlled origins %
We conduct a biodiversity survey in all our new energy infrastructure projects that exceed EUR 10 million and in smaller projects that are located near identified sensitive natural areas** %
We launch at least 5 projects annually to protect biodiversity number
Attractive employer
Helen Group and its strategic partners will have an LTIF of 3 or lower in 2024 LTIF
Our employee Net Promoter Score is 37 at a minimum eNPS
80% of our personnel will have completed sustainability training in 2024 %
We take diversity into account in our supervisor training and measure the realisation of diversity in our personnel survey  
Sustainable supply chain
We will audit 80% of the value of purchases from our strategic and key suppliers by 2024 %
100% of our strategic and key suppliers have responded to our sustainability survey %
80% of our strategic and key suppliers have set an emissions reduction target %
Customer-driven products and services
Our average annual outage time is
  • electricity: < 5 min
  • heat: < 2 h
  • cooling: < 2 h
min, h
We maintain our B2C customers' Net Promoter Score at 20 at a minimum NPS
We rank at least 2nd in sustainability in the Brand Tracking measurement in the entire market Brand Tracking
Our customers increasingly choose clean energy %
We operate in compliance with requirements and annually, we have zero of the following: confirmed cases of bribery or corruption; legal actions related to
anti-competition practices; fatalities or serious accidents; confirmed cases of discrimination; confirmed cases of child, forced or compulsory labour; breaches of regulations related to product and service information and labelling; breaches of marketing communications regulations; and confirmed complaints related to breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data

* For Scope 3 emissions, the target encompasses greenhouse gas emissions from associated companies’ energy production as well as emissions related to the production of purchased and resold electricity and heat. This corresponds to Helen’s Scope 3 emissions category 3 (fuel and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 emissions) subcategory D emissions.

** The biodiversity survey refers to an assessment of impacts on nature and biodiversity. New projects refer to projects decided on after the publication of the biodiversity strategy (December 2022).

Materiality analysis

Our sustainability programme is based on our materiality analysis which we updated in 2023, taking the principles of double materiality into account. With the aid of the materiality analysis, we have identified our most significant impacts on the environment and people as well as the key risks and opportunities for financial value creation.

A sustainable energy system and climate change mitigation are the most material sustainability issues for us. Next in the order of materiality are security of supply and matters related to green transition and energy prices.

Material impacts

Sustainable supply chain

We provide detailed information about the impacts of our value chain as well as the financial risks and opportunities in our Sustainability Report.

Read our Sustainability Report (PDF)

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our sustainability programme promotes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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